Monday, July 21, 2014

A New Adventure

There have been a lot of changes in my life lately.

Well, let’s be more specific: Lots of changes in the past year.

In June 2013, I quit my job at my hometown newspaper, where I had worked as the lead reporter for more than five years. I quit so that I could move 150 miles south to San Diego to be with my boyfriend of almost two years. But, before I really officially “moved,” we went on a much-needed vacay to Maui… Where he proposed! On the beach! While dancing to Hawaiian music! Yes, it was romantic.

Any girl who has dreamed of her wedding day since her playground days can fill in the blanks about what happened (read: consumed my life) over the following months… I’ll spare you the dramatic details. (But, oh, was there drama. Lots of drama.)

In May, I married my wonderful and hunky husband, GT, who I have known since high school (I’ll save that funny story for later). Soon after our honeymoon, we packed up our life in San Diego and, with pooch Cali in tow, moved across the country. See, GT is in the Coast Guard and after two tours in sunny SD, Uncle Sam said it was time to transfer.

That’s why, just before the wedding, I quit my part-time marketing gig at an arts center, which I had only just settled into after eight months. And now I’m in St. Petersburg, Florida, 3,000 miles away from home, from family and friends, and on the job hunt once again.

Marriage. Moving. Unemployment. It’s a lot for a gal to handle.

When we left, our loved ones wished us well on our new adventure, sending us off with excitement and enthusiasm for our journey. And while we wanted to catch that unbridled optimism ourselves, I’d be lying if I said things haven’t been stressful. Our move has not gone smoothly. (Even my ever-positive hubby admitted it’s the worst he’s experienced during his eight years in the military.)

But, I made a promise in my vows to GT that I was going to embrace the adventure, no matter where it takes us. And I intend to keep that vow.

So that’s what this blog is about. Sharing the journey, bits and pieces of my life and loves, and embracing the adventure—no matter where it may lead.

P.S. I used to blog over here, but failed to keep it up once I got together with my now-hubby. (Increasing work load + a new, sort-of long-distance relationship that put thousands of miles on my car kept me busy.) But now, new life, new last name... new blog! Huzzah!

(Photo by me, of a gorgeous Florida sunset.)

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