Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Adjusting the Sails

Life has been stressful lately, to say the least. In preparing for our big move to New Jersey, things have not gone smoothly. In fact, it seems that everything that can go wrong has gone wrong. We had major problems with the movers, problems with selling my car, problems with finding a place to live... and a few more hiccups here and there. Last week felt like one massive migraine. This week, G and I are slowly starting to turn this stormy ship we're on toward safe harbor (Coast Guard pun intended) and I am trying to be optimistic (not my strong suit) that things will truly get better soon. The movers are coming today—they're expected any minute now—and our life in our St. Pete one-bedroom apartment is half undone, waiting to be boxed up. The movers are set to return tomorrow to load everything into the truck and then the four of us, pups Jasper and Cali included, will be on our way up north. The hubs and I have plans to stop in Savannah and D.C. before we make it to Union City, our soon-to-be home base, on Friday, though we won't have too much time to explore. But I'm hoping to make the most of our mini-road trip, and hoping that we'll feel happy and relaxed by the time we get to the Garden State.

(Louisa May Alcott quote print 

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